Dear students,
On our last session the assessment will take place.
This will be in the format of a market! We will transform the classroom into a marketsquare. Every student will get a table to present their process. This is an example of how a marketstall can look like:
So make sure that you bring a laptop or tablet to present your blog. Also bring your 'products' (= artwork) which you've made in function of the art class or during the sessions. For example puppets, cartoons,...
If you have any other materials that can be inspiring such as certain books or objects that help to reflect your process please bring them.
Furthermore it can be interesting to bring your 'blog' alive by placing objects which you've talked about on your blog. For example certain artwork (or photos of it) from the region where you come from.
Perhaps it can be interesting for your viewers that you make posters etc.
All together you must make your 'stall' very interesting and attractive for your 'clients' who come and view your stall.
How will the market be organised?
We will work in 2 shifts. During the first shift half of the studentgroup will have to present their stall. The other half of the studentgroup including myself (Philip) will walk around and have a closer look at the stalls.
Since this is a market, they can freely walk around and go to a stall of their choice. So this will not be a static way of going around. The person presenting his/her stall will have to make sure to give a lot of information in a short time. This is because not every person will listen from the beginning to the end. Make sure that the listeners are also able to scroll your blog on the laptop or tablet at the stall.
When the first shifts ends (around about an hour) we change roles.
Will the listeners just stand there and listen?
No, the listeners will have to fill in an evaluation form about the stall their visiting.
This evaluation form shows 4 objective criteria that must be evaluated: Elements of design, creativity, effort and skill. These elements do not only handle on the products but also on the process, thus the blog will be evaluated too.
The listeners will mark a score on this form. All forms must be given to the lecturer (Philip). Afterwards I will read these forms very thoroughly and use them together with my own evaluation to mark a final score. This will be your score of the assessment.
You can find this document on the Chamilo course.
Please note that it may be possible that the lecturer (Philip) may not be able to visit every single stall. If so, I will use your blogs to evaluate together with the student's evaluation form.
If you might have any questions, please ask them next session.
Kind regards,
Philip O'Neill